29 Jun 2011

Sensitise, don't sensationalise... Please! The world has enough controversies.

Supposedly, a lot of hearts broke when malayalam actor Prithviraj got married. It's all over the news now, so I don't think a detailed intro on what happened is required. It's just that he got married to his girlfriend in a private ceremony, just after famously answering few marriage related questions in a popular magazine. He clearly clarified in a TV interview, what the questions were, and how the answers he gave were to the point and right - and not misleading to any sensible reader or journalist, and also did not hesitate to apologise to anyone who did not feel good about the entire episode.

The question that remains is, why did the famously sensible Keralites make a big deal out of it. He was criticized on every possible medium - right in the blogs to a magazine cartoon strip to Youtube. Let me make this clear - I seriously admire this talented, sensible, committed  youngster actor and understand the borderline of private and public life, though he is a celebrity - and I'm not one amongst the heart-broken lot. I'm writing this just to find out why a big deal was made out of someone's clearly private affair, when it has no connection whatsoever to the expectations he has to fulfill, as an actor and youth icon.

Star admirers across the globe act silly when it comes to few such instances, and a celebrity is ofcourse considered a public property, and by impulse you're bound to feel a little less-cared-for. But, what's with the media? Yes they should report that the fans are upset but what's their contribution in sensitising the public,  by just sensationalising the event and feelings, rather than drawing a clear line to educate the public on what they should stop being upset about, and how it just degrades you?

If Keralites still act silly reacting to such events, if they're still unclear as to where not to intrude in to do moral policing, if they still are narrow minded and not let in changes easily - and all this despite being the best educated lot, media for sure is one of the key reasons. Just like how PM Manmohan Singh cleverly blew off a stupid controversy on Shashi Tharoor's 'cattle class' tweet as a joke, media should act as peace promoters and maturity builders, and stop making a mountain out of a molehill-event. An editorial on how an event gives us a chance to show off our maturity, a cartoon strip or comical piece on how some things are to be taken light heartedly, can work wonders.Professional and citizen journalists can equally play a part in this yet-to-be-taken-seriously initiative.  In this turbulent age, what else is the best philantrophic act than distributing ideas of peaceful co-existance and understanding?


  1. His wife is really smart!

  2. hehehe hope the girls will spare him now :P
